Physical Exams

Premier Healthcare Associates, PC
Hitesh B. Patel, MD
Board Certified Internal Medicine (Primary Care Physician) & Board Certified Obesity Medicine located in Brick, NJ
Physical exams are an essential element of preventive health programs, as well as a requirement for insurance policies, employment, sporting activities, and managed weight loss. If you need a high-quality physical examination, Hitesh Patel, MD, of Premier Healthcare Associates, PC, in Brick, New Jersey, can help. Dr. Patel conducts expert physical exams and provides Medicare wellness visits for eligible patients. Find out more by calling Premier Healthcare Associates, PC, or book an appointment online today.
Physical Exams Q & A
What are physical exams?
Physical exams are a service available at Premier Healthcare Associates, PC, to look for signs of health issues before becoming a more serious problem.
An annual physical exam is an excellent method of preventing disease and ensuring all your bodily systems are working correctly. Well-man and well-woman check-ups are like routine physical exams, with a focus on the health of your reproductive system.
What types of physical exams might I need?
If you're planning to take up a new sport or start an exercise program, a physical exam is important to make sure you're healthy enough to undertake these activities.
There are other reasons you may need a physical exam. Sports teams require players to undergo a physical, and if you're changing jobs, your new employer might want you to have a physical exam. Some schools require an exam to ensure you or your child are healthy for the upcoming year. An exam might be a requirement for insurance purposes, too.
If you're entitled to Medicare, you're entitled to free wellness visits. The first visit involves undergoing an initial preventive physical exam (IPPE) and creating a personalized prevention plan. After this, you have annual wellness checks to ensure your plan is up-to-date, and you stay well.
What happens at a physical exam?
Dr. Patel begins a routine physical exam by reviewing your medical history and discussing your current health. He then checks all your vital signs, including:
- Blood pressure
- Heart rate
- Respiration rate
- Temperature
- Reflexes
Dr. Patel conducts a thorough physical examination. He listens to the sounds your heart and lungs are making, taps on your abdomen to test your liver, listens to your bowel sounds with a stethoscope, and checks for any tender areas. He might also check your nerve responses, balance, and muscle strength.
Dr. Patel examines all the visible parts of your anatomy, from your teeth and gums to skin, nails, joints, eyes, and ears. He can tell a great deal about your overall health this way, as well as picking up on any specific problems.
Does a physical exam involve having any tests or treatment?
Routine physical exams typically involve having a hearing and visual screening, plus blood and urine tests. You might need further tests if Dr. Patel finds any signs of disease. Medicare Wellness visits don't include testing or screening other than a blood pressure check and dementia screening.
Sexually transmitted disease (STD) screening is important if you're sexually active. Women might need to undergo a breast exam and an internal pelvic exam and have a Pap smear if one is due to check for cervical cancer. Men might need testicular and prostate checks.
If you need treatment after a physical exam, this will usually take place at a separate appointment. However, if you need any vaccinations, Dr. Patel can do these during your physical exam.
To arrange your physical exam or wellness visit, call Premier Healthcare Associates, PC, or book an appointment online today.